JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – “I have a dream.”
Those four words changed history more than 60 years ago. Those words gave millions hope for the future, hope for equal opportunity and so much more.
On Monday, Jan. 15, the world will celebrate the life, legacy and service of Martin Luther King, Jr. It will be a day to remember the past events that unfolded during the Civil Rights movement. It is a reminder that Dr. King took a stand to end institutionalized racial discrimination, disenfranchisement and segregation in the United States.
Related: Does your county collect garbage on Martin Luther King Jr. Day? | After years of division, city, local groups will unite for single Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast in January
As this is a Federal holiday, not only will schools and libraries be closed, but most federal and state offices will be closed and there will be no mail deliveries. Most counties collect garbage on a normal schedule on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, but a handful will have delayed pick-ups for the week following the Jan. 15 holiday. Click here for more information.
See the list of closures below:
Federal Government offices
State Government offices
Local county and city government offices
U.S. Postal Service: USPS will not deliver mail on Jan. 15, 2024.
Schools: Public schools and admin offices will be closed on Monday.
Banks: Some local bank branches will be closed. Be sure to call ahead before driving to your bank.
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