Today, Mayor Deegan declared Jan. 24 Maurice Hobbs Day. Hobbs was shot and killed 7 years ago. His mom will advocate for families of slain children in Tallahassee.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Tuesday at 6 a.m., dozens of families of slain children will get on a bus from Jacksonville to Tallahassee to demand safety reforms.
A press conference will be held at the state capital as part of the Survivors Speak Florida event organized by Survivors for Safety and Justice.
Latosha Hobbs’ is one of the many heading to Tallahassee.
It’s been seven years since her son, Maurice, was shot and killed on Jacksonville’s Southside.
He was killed two days after his 18th birthday.
There have been no arrests.
Today, Jacksonville Mayor Donna Deegan, declared Jan. 24 Maurice Hobbs day in Jacksonville to honor his memory and love for music.
“If I could turn back time I would if I could and I would have never let my son get out of my car that day,” Hobbs said.
Hobbs will go to Tallahassee with a pin of her son on her heart and wristbands of other slain children on her wrist.
The bands travel up her forearm.
Hobbs says her state representative, Kiyan Michael, will be meeting with lawmakers on Hobbs’ behalf.
“I would like for us to have a seat at the table,” Hobbs said.
Hobbs says victims don’t have enough resources.
“I had no sense of direction no one to turn to my world’s been completely shattered and I have no idea of where to even begin,” Hobbs said.