Education workers with a Jacksonville organization want you to prepare so your child doesn’t experience learning loss over winter break.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — You’ve heard of summer learning loss.
There’s just over a week left of school before public schools in Duval County close for the winter break. Before the last school bell rings, some local education experts are urging you to make a plan to keep your child learning over the break.
Education workers with Communities in Schools of Jacksonville want parents to prepare so their children don’t experience learning loss over winter break. The organization works to make sure the most vulnerable students don’t fall behind by helping those experiencing barriers like homelessness or transportation issues.
Studies show students from families with lower incomes are more at risk of learning loss due to many times not having the same opportunities to take part in activities that would prevent it. But Twilla Washington, director of case management with CIS, says keeping kids engaged over winter break is something every family should do.
“Definitely incorporate maybe an hour or two a day to stay focused and hone in on those skills that they just grasped this semester,” Washington said.
Washington advises going to museums or the zoo. Look for free museum days and don’t forget about your public library.
“It’s Christmas time, who doesn’t want to have fun?” Washington said. “But you can incorporate and weave it into everyday activities from baking or playing board games or even reading recipes. The library is definitely a great alternative to still keeping students engaged. And they have activities there as well that’s free of charge.”
On the National Summer Learning Association’s website, there is a schedule made for you to keep children learning during school breaks. There are also plenty of activities for kids. Find that information here.