Florida’s Run for the Fallen begins Friday

Starting Friday, Feb. 9, a group will run from Tallahassee to Jacksonville and stop every mile to honor Florida servicemembers who died serving the United States.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — It’s a 176-mile run from Tallahassee to the Veterans Memorial Wall in Downtown Jacksonville.

On Friday, Feb. 9, the group ‘Honor & Remember’ will set off to make that run and stop every mile along the way to honor Florida servicemembers who lost their life protecting our freedom over the past 24 years. 20 runners made the journey in 2023, including Marine veteran Daniel Meese II.

“We do it in remembrance,” Meese told First Coast News. “When I was in Afghanistan in the Marines, we lost 17. A lot of those names are on this list, so [I’m] running for those names and their families who can’t be here, and my father. The pain that we feel in the three days is nothing compared to the pain that these families feel, so we just suck it up and keep going.”

For three days they ran not for recognition, but for a higher purpose; running for others.

“It means a lot to me, I have family and friends in the military,” said Jonathan Vedia who made the run in 2023. “I know they paid the ultimate sacrifice and I’m here to help them through the grieving process.”

Occasionally, Gold Star Families would wait for the runners at the mile marker where their loved one is honored. That included the final stop, the Veterans Memorial Wall.

“As a Gold Star father, all of these families that are Gold Star families appreciate that somebody’s willing to say thank you,” said Honor & Remember founder George Lutz. “And one of the most important ways we can say thank you is by calling their names out loud.”

This year’s run starts on Friday in Tallahassee. If you are interested in participating in Florida’s Run for the Fallen by either running, cheering on the runners, supporting Gold Star Families or donating to the cause, click here.

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