Lauren challenged herself to wear the color all October in support of breast cancer awareness month, but her true inspiration comes from someone very special.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Pink means more to Good Morning Jacksonville Meteorologist Lauren Rautenkranz than ever before. She decided to wear the color on the green screen for the entire month of October. Why? It’s personal.
Her mother, Kathy Rautenkranz, called her one August afternoon like she always does. They talk and text from the moment they both wake up to the minute their heads hit the pillow at night. Lauren knew something felt different this time.
“My yearly visit that I go into ‘La de da de da’ every summer to do my mammogram showed a big surprise,” recalled Kathy. “A little bump in the road.”
Lauren knew this would be nothing but a speed bump for her strong and determined mom. However, the news still came as a shock.
“After I hung up the phone with her, I just sat in a parking lot and cried,” said Lauren.
“One of the hardest things was telling my family,” added Kathy. “There was a long time I didn’t want to talk about it. I don’t really like the C word, the cancer word, but I’m able to say it now.”
After rounds of testing and doctors appointments, Lauren’s mom shared how her great her prognosis was and that she caught the cancer early. Two lumps were found in one of her breasts – the first from that annual mammogram and the second from a follow-up MRI preceding surgery.
“We didn’t know there were two, so I’m very blessed they did the MRI before my surgery because now they’re out and it’s very treatable,” said Kathy.
Doctors quickly got her on the schedule for a lumpectomy at the end of September. After a week of down time, Lauren’s mom proved her resiliency by not waiting another minute to get back to teaching in the classroom and visiting her grandbabies.
“Next step is radiation, but we’ve got this,” smiled Kathy. “It’s going to give me more time with my precious loved ones.”
“Having that annual mammogram will save your life. It’s treatable when you catch it early.”
You can watch the full conversation with Lauren, her mom, and Jeannie right here on YouTube, but it’s also available on First Coast News Plus streaming on Roku and Fire TV.