Jacksonville winner of $10K scratch-off ticket can’t collect money due to ‘state-owed debt,’ she claims it’s a mistake

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – A $10,000 winning scratch-off ticket quickly turned into a headache for a local woman.

Sheila Magno said she was turned away at the Jacksonville lottery office and couldn’t collect her winnings because of a “possible state owed debt” to the Department of Economic Opportunity, which is now known as the Florida Department of Commerce.

“I was really excited. Perfect timing before Christmas,” Magno said.

Magno said it was a mistake.

“I won $10,000. That’s the first time I’ve ever won more than 200 on a scratch-off,” Magno said.

RELATED | Florida Lottery winners are losing money to DEO overpayments. Has this happened to you?

During a recent quick trip to Publix, Magno decided to stop at the lottery machine on her way out.

“Oh, I just got cashback and $20. And I got two of the $10 crosswords, the new one. And I didn’t even scratch it right away. I scratched it like that night. I couldn’t sleep because it was like midnight when I scratched it. So I was waiting till the lottery office opened, I couldn’t sleep that night. I was so excited,” Magno said.

The next morning was supposed to be a happy day at the lottery office — but Magno was surprised by the bad news.

“I went to the office and filled out a form with my information and she was like OK I’ll cut you a check, and I sat down,” Magno said. “About 15 minutes later, and another lady called me up and said ‘We’re sorry, your social has been flagged from unemployment.’”

Thousands of other lottery winners are losing money to the Florida Department of Commerce for overpayments, too. Their accounts are being flagged after getting unemployment assistance.

MORE | How checking old, potential winning lottery tickets has never been easier

News4JAX requested records from the Florida Lottery and found out that in the last two years, 17,637 winners received a potential outstanding state-owed debt alert.

“It’s extremely unfair. That went from like, the best day in a long time to the absolute worst in a long time,” Magno said.

Magno is disputing her overpayment claim and said she has never gotten any notice about owing any money to the state.

News4JAX asked the Department of Commerce and Florida Lottery about Magno’s case and why so many people have been flagged for overpayments and are still waiting to hear back.

Florida Commerce’s website has an entire page dedicated to questions about overpayments that reads in part “FloridaCommerce recognizes the frustrations surrounding overpayments and is actively working to alleviate the challenges being experienced by claimants.”

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