Kenneth Nixon has served in the Navy for 30 years

Kenneth Nixon holds the distinction of being the oldest Command Master Chief in the Navy.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — This weekend Americans across the country gathered and shared what they’re thankful for. In this week’s Stories of Service First Coast News profiles a sailor who is thankful for a career that has spanned three decades. It’s also a career that makes him somewhat of a record-holder. 

When the War Eagles of Patrol Squadron 16 returned to NAS Jax in October, with them came a record-setter of sorts in the Navy. At 60 years old, Kenneth Nixon holds the distinction of being the oldest Command Master Chief in the Navy.

He’s spent 30 years in the Navy and he’s not slowing down.

“What drives me every day is to just bring positive energy in an approach to make sailors better,” said Nixon.

That approach was forged through emulating mentors along the way. And it almost never happened, Nixon considered leaving the Navy four years after joining.

“But a Chief Petty Officer sat down with me and saw the potential in me,” said Nixon, “and I took his advice and decided to make it a career and I’m glad that I did.”

26 years after that conversation the oldest Command Master Chief in the Navy has traveled the world, all because of his career.

“I’ve truly been blessed,” said Nixon, “I think I owe a lot to my mentors, to my leaders from the lowest ranking to the highest ranking in our Navy.”

Command Master Chief Kenneth Nixon is proving that age is just a number. We thank him for his service, and if you have a Story of Service that you would like us to profile please send us an email to

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