JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Coats and other warm items donated through 15-year-old Hannah Hall’s nonprofit were given to people experiencing homelessness in Jacksonville.
The event came at a perfect time with the temperature dropping. It has truly been a blessing for those who received something at the event.
Hannah’s Hope Houses has been collecting and delivering donated coats to homeless people for nearly five years.
Hall shook hands with a man who expressed his gratitude after receiving a coat at the giveaway event.
“You know, there’s going to be wonderful things in your life,” Carl said.
Hall understands the impact of moments like those with Carl.
“It makes me feel motivated to go on and do it again. To keep doing the good work. Just like I said, it gives me a reminder of why I do this in the first place,” Hall said.
About 400 items to help people stay warm were donated to people just outside the City Rescue Mission. Carl said he was amazed by the kindness.
“God bless her soul. People are wonderful here anyway, it doesn’t make no difference if you’re young or old,” Carl said.
Other items included scarves, blankets, hats, and hand warmers.
Hall’s father, Pastor Walter Hall said none of this would’ve been possible without people stepping up to donate.
“I think this is one of the most exciting times, to see people care and see how much they love and support. Jacksonville rocks,” Walter Hall said.
Best of all, Hannah said this is just the beginning.
“I hope to build shelters all around Jacksonville. Day shelters and stuff like that. For people to have a warm place to sleep and actually host job fairs so it’s permanent,”
In other words, Hall aims to not only help people today but for the rest of their lives. One warm coat at a time.
Click the link below to learn more about Hannah’s Hope Houses
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