The commanding officer at Mayport served a Christmas meal with his family and neighbors to family members of sailors stationed at Naval Station Mayport.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Christmas is a time when families across the country gather to exchange gifts and create warm memories.
As the rain fell on Christmas day, the Oasis Galley at Naval Station Mayport was the perfect place for family to gather, even if it’s an extended Navy family.
“This is the best part of Christmas, this is so awesome to do this for this community,” said Captain Brian Binder, “and our most junior sailors, who this may be their first time away from home and mom and dad, this is their home now and that’s why we love to be here today, it means so much.”
Captain Binder is the commanding officer at Mayport and served food along with his family and neighbors as the base hosted a Christmas meal for sailors, their families and retirees.
Some sailors who are stationed at Mayport are currently deployed all across the globe, so this meal offers a sense of family for the sailors families who are still at the base. That family theme continued with 12-year-old Kadion Thompson who was able to spend the day with his mom, Chief Warrant Officer-4 Karen Thompson.
“I think it’s really cool that I get to be here with my mom and help other people out and serve food and help clean,” said Kadion.
“It warms my heart that I can give back and my son share the moment with me so that he can realize it’s not only about the gifts,”said CWO4 Thompson, “it’s also about giving and helping others.”
There are multiple ships from Mayport currently forward deployed. And on this day, with his extended Navy family, Captain Binder’s thoughts are with his sailors abroad.
“They understand the mission and why we serve, we serve for this country, we serve for our freedoms, truly for our freedom and it’s those who are serving forward now that I want to thank.”
That thanks included one specific place setting for POW/MIA with a white linen table cloth and a red rose, a symbol of those waiting for loved ones to return.
Apart from family members, but together with their Navy family for Christmas.