JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The News4JAX I-TEAM has uncovered more evidence of possible water contamination at an Arlington apartment complex.
Test results of water samples from a tenant’s sink and shower revealed high levels of bacteria that a UNF microbiologist said could make people sick.
The I-TEAM has been following this story at the Red Bay Apartment Complex on Arlington Expressway for the past week. Now, the apartment complex said they have hired an outside company to test the water in additional units.
On Thursday morning, Megan James showed News4JAX the result of a backed-up shower drain.
“I was gagging. It was gross…just freaked me out. It was disgusting,” James said.
Last week, the I-TEAM brought foul-smelling water from the dishwasher in the unit she shares with her partner, Andrew Hurst, to UNF microbiologist Dr. Dale Casamatta. He said test results showed it contained high levels of bacteria.
Now, the results are back from additional water tests at James’ apartment. Hurst told the I-TEAM he filled one water bottle with water from the kitchen sink tap and another with water taken from the master shower. They gave those samples to I-TEAM investigator Tarik Minor, who then took it to UNF for testing.
Dr. Casamatta said he’s been a microbiologist for about 20 years.
“My lab basically documents and describes novel microbes and looks at their ecology in the natural world,” he said.
Casamatta showed News4JAX what he found in the water from the tap and the shower at James’ and Hurst’s apartment.
“From these samples, we found a tremendous number of bacteria, way more than I’d ever possibly anticipate we’d find from any drinking water supply,” Casamatta said. “I would not drink it. I can’t identify the actual organisms at this particular point, but given the number of bacteria, I think it’d be a poor idea to drink that water.”
He said he would not drink that water straight from the tap but would filter it, boil it or drink bottled water.
Casamatta said he would also think twice before showering with that water.
“So again, the problem with showering is we have all the surfaces…you have your eyes, your nasal membranes…it could get inside your mouth and stuff like that,” he said.
Casamatta said drinking water with high levels of bacteria, like he found in the samples from that Red Bay apartment unit, can make people feel sick or queasy, but children, the elderly, and the immunocompromised may be at a greater risk.
“In the mornings, I always feel nauseous,” James said.
James and Hurst said they already use a filter for their drinking water.
Local plumber Drew Hartmann, who is not involved with the Red Bay Apartments, said he doesn’t see these types of water issues very often, and added that there are multiple ways water could become contaminated through things such as leaks, old pipes, or old water heaters that have been shut down for a long time.
When the I-TEAM asked Casamatta whether Red Bay apartment tenants in other units or buildings should be concerned about their drinking water, he responded, “I would be concerned about this. I would be very concerned about this.”
Red Bay Apartments are taking action.
James and Hurst told the I-TEAM maintenance fixed the clog in their bathroom Thursday.
A spokesperson for the owner of the complex provided a statement Thursday, reading:
“Red Bay Apartment Complex is dedicated to providing a comfortable, enjoyable, and safe living experience for all residents. In line with this commitment, we are addressing recent resident concerns regarding water quality issues with utmost priority and transparency.
We understand the importance of maintaining a safe and high standard of living for our residents and have hired a top water testing company in Jacksonville that specializes in environmental consulting, sample collection, and laboratory coordination testing in order to conduct independent tests of units.
We have maintained open communications with the tenants and News4Jax team reporters regarding our ongoing efforts to address these issues.
We value resident feedback and encourage open communication to ensure that we address concerns effectively. We apologize for any inconvenience recent maintenance issues may have caused our residents and appreciate their patience and understanding as we work diligently to resolve them.”
SAAR Management, LLC
That spokesperson also said the additional water tests are set to begin Friday.
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