Sophomore Tristan Fisher rides the bus every day. He said it’s usually crowded. His mom has been reaching out to the district about it, with no answers so far.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The parent of a Duval County Public Schools student is raising safety concerns about overcrowding on buses.
Aidan Foster’s son Tristan Fisher said every day, kids are standing in the aisles while the bus is moving because there aren’t enough seats, and it can be scary.
He’s a sophomore at Atlantic Coast High School who said this is a daily issue and has been for two years.
This week, he said he rolled back toward the emergency exit after he gave up his seat to another student.
Foster said she wants to know that her son is safe when she sends him out to the door each day.
Fisher took a video on Thursday that shows students shuffling around in the aisles, looking for a place to sit.
“There’s people that have to either crowd in with three on a seat,” Fisher said. “There’s people that will give up their seat for another to sit on the floor.”
Foster said she’s been calling the district’s transportation department regularly and can’t get answers.
“There’s no resolution. There’s just what I would consider excuses,” Foster said, “’We’re short-staffed,’ which I completely understand. A lot of people right now don’t want to work or whatever the case is, but this is their safety.”
Foster said some staff told her there’s a bus driver shortage and to send anyone looking for a job their way.
“There’s no words for that,” Foster said. “It’s not something a parent wants to hear in return.”
She believes there are other ways the district can handle it, starting with bus drivers restricting the number of students who can board at a time.
“There’s got to be a time point at which you say, ‘Okay, I cannot let any more students on the bus. I will come back. I will make my trip and drop them off and come back’ and then notify us because they are able to, of course, that the buses are being delayed,” Foster said.
She says it’s time for district leadership to address the issue and come up with solutions.
“I love my kid and I know other parents out there love their kids as well,” Foster said. “I’m willing to fall on the sword a thousand times to make sure that they’re all safe.”
First Coast News sent the video to DCPS officials. A spokesperson said this is a 77-passenger bus, and only 44 students are registered to ride. She went on to say:
“1. It is highly likely that this bus includes riders either unregistered or ineligible for transportation.
2. The video demonstrates why it is important for all families to register for transportation. Rider registration gives us the information needed to adjust routes and load buses safely.
3. Duval County Public Schools would never intentionally implement a route which would result in an overcrowded bus.
The district will investigate this situation further and take steps to reduce ineligible riders, properly register riders, or adjust routes to bus capacity.”