Ponte Vedra Athletics girls soccer basketball boys

Despite the Boys and Girls Basketball teams falling short in their respective state championship games, the season was historic for Ponte Vedra High School.

PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. — Ponte Vedra High School’s athletic programs soared to new heights this year, securing berths in the state championships across multiple sports. 

Head Girls Soccer Coach, Dave Silverburg, expressed his enthusiasm for witnessing the team take the field, stating, “That’s what I wish for at the beginning of every year is watching them run out on the field. Now, the celebration starts. It’s a blast, I love watching them.”

Under the leadership of Silverburg, the girls’ soccer team has achieved remarkable success, clinching state titles. Reflecting on the accomplishment, he remarked, “I mean, they’re all great. Each one is great. You don’t get tired of winning, that’s for sure.”

Ponte Vedra Athletics, under the guidance of Athletic Director Michael Harrison, has earned an impressive 11 state titles in the last three years. Harrison emphasized the significance of community support, stating, “I think for this to come together is the community. It’s the culture, it’s the family, it’s the commitment to giving these kids the best experience they can while they’re here.”

This historic year marked the first time in the school’s history that three separate sports programs—Girls Soccer, Girls Basketball, and Boys Basketball—secured berths in the state tournament. Head Girls Basketball Coach Jessica Spencer-Gardner attributed their success to the team motto, “finish what we started.”

Despite the Boys and Girls Basketball teams falling short in their respective state championship games, the season was historic for Ponte Vedra High School. It witnessed the achievement of three regional titles in one week, a feat never before accomplished in the school’s history.

The success of Ponte Vedra Athletics is not isolated, as Athletic Director Michael Harrison acknowledged the overall success within St. Johns County. “I mean with Creekside winning the other day, Bartram Trail wrestling, I mean the success is across the board. It’s steered because the county allows us to run our athletic department to the best of our ability.”

Ponte Vedra Athletics has truly set a golden standard, showcasing a commitment to excellence, a supportive community, and a winning culture that extends beyond individual victories.

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