JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Residents at a Jacksonville apartment complex said they’re frustrated because their apartment gates have been open for months, leading to porch pirates stealing packages from their front doors.
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Getting a package stolen from a porch pirate is one thing, but how they’re getting into the apartments is what’s frustrating residents.
Carlene McWright works at News4JAX, and she lives at the Citigate Apartment on Gate Parkway West.
“The gate has been open ever since maybe March,” McWright said.
On February 2, she got an email from the apartments saying they were aware of some packages being taken from front doors. On Monday, she got an email from the apartments that said they “finally” have the gate card reader back up and running and will close the gates on the 13th.
“So anybody can still walk up and steal packages,” McWright said. “I can still trail the Amazon track because I actually have footage of where Amazon packages are being delivered on my floor and then you can see the thief walk right behind them minutes later and steal the package.”
News4JAX asked the front office why the gates won’t be closed until the 13th and they said they don’t respond to media requests and would pass the communication to their higher-ups.
McWright filed a police report, talked with apartment managers, and said she’s considering opting-in to a service she’s already been paying for through her apartment called Fetch. Packages can be sent to the warehouse, and you schedule a convenient delivery.
Former JSO director Tom Hackney said that’s something everyone should consider.
“Folks need to be aware of when the packages are coming,” Hackney said. “It’s probably a good idea to have a signature requested on [valuable packages] and the delivery services usually have an app where you can change the delivery location to a family member or your job if that’s available to you as well,” Hackney said, adding that porch pirates are difficult to catch.
In Florida, taking packages from a property is a third-degree felony if the stolen property is $100 or more but less than $750.
There is a bill in the judiciary committee right now to lower the value to $40 or more. Until something is changed, a new law, or even a closed gate, McWright said she’s keeping a close eye out and hoping for the best.
“This is the most that I’ve had to be active in my Ring app,” McWright said. “Typically it’s like you see somebody walk past and it doesn’t bother you. Now I can barely work because I’m spending more time on my Ring app, trying to make sure nobody’s stealing stuff.”
Other ways to protect your package include getting Amazon packages delivered to Amazon lockers. They have different locations and are in some apartment complexes. You can also buy a porch lockbox, so when you order something you give instructions for delivery drivers to open it. The lockbox option can be expensive.
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