Ok, so let’s get real here — Santa’s almost on his way to town, so you’ve gotta get that list together and if you’re like me, you’ve gotta get that act together and go from Naughty to nice REAL QUICK!
Have you talked to him yet? Told him what you would like to see under that tree on December 25th?
You better believe I have! You know what they say — if you don’t believe, you totally won’t receive!
In fact, I just finished typing my Christmas list! #getit #HAYSanta. I organize it so well so that Santa can see exactly what I want, how much it is, what color, and the and/or phone number where he can order it (if he can’t magically make it)… basically, NO EXCUSES!
I give every option! #dontgetittwistedSantaTBH, if we’re being honest, I really don’t need a thing! But Christmas is the time to dream big, I am asking for a few serious things. One is an in-home spray tanning machine! That would be a huge get because EVERY WINTER people ask if I’ve fallen ill… probs because I get so PALE in the winter. So, yeah, if the machine won’t fit in the sleigh, maybe he’ll bring me some San Tropez and call it a festive day! 🙂
As a kid, my favorite part of Christmas was waking up to the alarm I set every year for 3 a.m., sneaking to see what I got, then sneaking back to bed until 6 a.m. when my brother and sister woke up. It was always SUCH a good day… for me, I think my family really wished I’d wait until a normal hour… but please, that never happened!
Ok, so let me tell you about this one year — ooooh y’all, this one year was a total hot mess!
On this particular Christmas Morning, I woke up at 5 a.m., and I was sitting on the stairs waiting *not so patiently* for everyone else to get with the program so we could go rip into whatever Santa brought! #letsGOOOO
Once everyone woke up, I got so excited, I SPRINTED like a track star (which I am not…the only place I’m running on the daily is the fridge for a snack!) down the stairs, and into the living room- where we each have a couch full of festive gifts — except this year it took a dark turn! LOL!
THIS GIRL has athletic-induced asthma, so naturally it doesn’t pop up, but this particular year after my unnecessary mad dash down the stairs, I had a full-fledged asthma attack, turned my ankle — I couldn’t catch my breath. even after puffing on my inhaler! Y’all, I straight up ran out of puffs, and still couldn’t fully breathe, so my dad had to take me to the ER for a breathing treatment! (We grew up right beside the hospital- which I loved as a kid because the dining hall was always good for an after-school snack!) LOL. When I got to the hospital, I remember the security guard was singing all the Christmas carols, but I was in no mood… #couldntevendeal… and then I came home about four hours later with the gift of air in my lungs, and a bum ankle…all to see what Santa brought.
You’re probably assuming I was like nine or 10… no, um, embarrassingly I was 29… 29!
All that to ask YOU — what’s your funniest/wildest/craziest Christmas morning story?? I’m dying to know!
Also, what are YOU asking Santa for?
Share below! 🙂
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