JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is estimated to affect some 18,000 people in the United States at any given time, and every 90 minutes someone is either diagnosed with or passes from ALS.
Several years ago our WJXT family was personally touched by ALS when our beloved executive producer Sharon Siegel-Cohen was diagnosed.
ALS, a disorder that affects the function of nerves and muscles, tends to strike people between the ages of 40 and 70.
A Jacksonville native and a friend to hundreds, Sharon made a huge difference in countless lives, eventually becoming an advocate for a cure for the muscular disease.
WATCH: Sharon Siegel-Cohen: How one woman meant so much to so many
Sharon supported The Walk to Defeat ALS locally before she lost her own courageous battle in 2020 at the age of 62.
Now, we keep her memory alive by continuing her legacy of participation in the walk each year.
The Walk to Defeat ALS has a direct impact on people living with ALS and their families at the local level. Through education, support groups, access to care and advocacy, the ALS Association works to defeat ALS and provide hope to people living with ALS and their families.
We would like to continue raising money in Sharon’s name, in hopes of finding a cure for ALS.
If you would like to donate, you can do so here. Every amount — no matter the size — is a step toward our goal.
Please consider making a donation in memory of Sharon. With your help, we will be able to make a difference in the lives of people affected by this disease.
If you’d like to learn more information about this progressive disease, visit: http://www.alsa.org.
WHEN: Saturday, April 6; Check-in: 8 a.m.; Walk starts: 10 a.m.
WHERE: University of North Florida | 1 UNF Drive
To participate, register a team or sponsor, contact Savannah Kelly, Savannah.Kelly@als.org or 904-524-1435.
Sharon leads her team and more than 1,000 others Saturday in the Jacksonville Walk to Defeat ALS.
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