Special Agent in Charge for FBI Jacksonville announces retirement after decades of work

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – After more than two decades of serving and protecting with the Federal Bureau of Investigations all over the world, the Special Agent in Charge of FBI Jacksonville Sherri Onks announced she has made the difficult decision to retire at the end of the year.

Onks has led the FBI Jacksonville division since November 2021 and has been front and center standing with the community during good and difficult times. She’s been a special agent with the FBI since August 1999.

From Counterterrorism to civil rights violations to health care fraud, Onks has spent 24 years fighting crime and working with multiple countries and jurisdictions.           

In a letter to community members, Onks stated although difficult, the timing is right for retirement but plans to stay in North Florida and serve the area in new ways.

FBI Jacksonville Special Agent in Charge Sherri Onks announces retirement after decades of work. (FBI Jacksonville)

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