St. Johns County school district holds school rezoning meetings for new K-8s

ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Fla. – It’s a math puzzle facing the St. Johns County school district: how can leaders rearrange school zones to accommodate even more students?

During Tuesday night’s town hall meeting at Bartram Trail High School, the public to weighed in on proposed attendance zone changes for grades K through 8, at the two yet-to-be-named NN and OO schools.

The school board reviewed six plans with the public and after hearing feedback it expects to vote on the changes in November.

The goal is to relieve school overcrowding now and in the future but parents News4JAX spoke with aren’t happy with the proposed options for their neighborhoods.

With the first town hall in the books, a second is scheduled for Thursday at 6 p.m. inside Beachside High School.

The two new schools are slated to be open in time for the next school year.

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