Rates could increase by $170 over four-year period starting in 2025.
ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Fla. — Major changes could be afoot for St. Johns County’s garbage collection for the first time since 2003.
County Commissioner Krista Joseph was the lone dissenting vote as commissioners approved a $28.2 million bid award for FCC Environmental Services via a 4-1 vote on Dec. 19.
There were multiple speakers asking commissioners to table the bid. Two companies currently handle the collection: Waste Management for the southern portion of the county and Republic Services for the northern part of the county. Both contracts will expire July 31, 2024.
Public Works Director Greg Caldwell said starting the fiscal year 2025 through 2029 would require gradually increasing rates by $170 overall to make up a funding gap for collection, disposal and recycling funds. Over a four-year period the increases would be $80, $60, $20 and $10, starting in 2025.
The bid for $28.2 million came well below Meridian Waste’s $40.5 million bid, Waste Pro’s $42.3 million bid and Waste management’s $51.6 million bid. The contract is for a seven-year term with the option for two five-year renewals, and built-in contingency into to hold FCC to the current level of service.
FCC Environmental Services handles trash collection for Hillsborough, Palm Beach, Polk, Orange and Volusia counties, areas with populations comparable to St. Johns County’s 111,000 residents. That includes Clay County’s more than 70,000 residents.
The next step is finalizing the contract.