Ponte Vedra Athletics girls soccer basketball boys

Despite the Boys and Girls Basketball teams falling short in their respective state championship games, the season was historic for Ponte Vedra High School. PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. — Ponte…

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Episcopal Eagles Boys Basketball vie for 2024 state tournament

The Eagles returned all but one starter from last season’s team. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The road to Lakeland continues! One of the teams still in contention is the Episcopal Eagles. Chip…

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Man arrested for 17-year-old boy’s death in Murray Hill shooting

18-year-old Josef D. Madison was arrested Thursday, and is charged with murdering Blaise Conner, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — An arrest has been made in Tuesday’s…

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FHSAA Girls and Boys Basketball Playoff Bracket

Several local girls and boys basketball teams are still in the race to secure a state title. Full list below! FLORIDA, USA — The Florida High School Athletic Association released…

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Adoptive parents awarded $13.5M after Jacksonville organization failed to disclose boy’s mental health history

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The adoptive parents of a boy were awarded $13.5 million in damages against a Jacksonville organization because it failed to disclose important facts on the child’s history…

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