Calls for criminal charges against Janay White continue

White is accused of taking tens of thousands of dollars in real estate investments. More than 50 police reports have been filed against her. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Their numbers are…

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Group of victims calls for Janay White to be arrested.

Four people who claim to be victims of real estate scams involving Janay White protested through downtown Jacksonville and called for White to be arrested. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — She’s accused…

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Janay White ‘deeply’ apologizes to victims amid fraud lawsuits

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Janay White, a Jacksonville entrepreneur entangled in multiple fraud lawsuits, broke her silence on a Facebook Live broadcast. White apologized for her actions, acknowledging her mistakes. Ashley ‘Buddy’…

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Janay White says she opening a new credit office on Southside

More than 50 people have filed police reports about their experiences with Janay White and her business J. White Business Center. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The woman at the center of…

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Janay White speaks on Facebook live following accusations

Janay White had strong words in a Facebook live for those accusing her of financial fraud. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — *The video attached to this story is from a previous, related…

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