Attorney: St. Johns sgt. racially profiled Guatemalan teenager

Jose Baez said the St. Johns County Sheriff’s sergeant had no right to ‘engage’ Virgilio Aguilar Mendez or ‘put him in a position where he was not free to leave.’…

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Civil attorney for 18-year-old migrant accused in St. Johns County deputy’s death says client was racially profiled

ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Fla. – A civil attorney sent a letter to the State Attorney’s Office and the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office demanding that the charges against 18-year-old Vergilio…

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Multiple dead in racially motivated shooting on Kings Road, Fla.

The FBI has opened up a hate crime investigation after three Black people were killed in Dollar General on Kings Road. The shooter died of a self-inflicted gunshot. JACKSONVILLE, Fla….

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Racially motivated deadly mass shooting brings attention to New Town neighborhood

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The racially motivated murders in Jacksonville’s New Town community created grief and additional strain in an urban neighborhood that was already experiencing challenges. There are no grocery…

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Vigil planned Monday night for 3 violently killed during racially motivated attack

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Another vigil will be held in Jacksonville Monday night after a racially-motivated shooting, by a 21-year-old Clay County man, that killed three Black people on Saturday. The…

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