ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Fla. – The Tristyn Bailey Foundation hosted its first Tristyn Bailey Foundation Golf Tournament on Sunday, Nov. 5, 2023, and Monday, Nov. 6, 2023, at the St. Johns Golf & Country Club.
The events are intended to kickstart the foundation and raise money to pursue the four pillars upon which the foundation is built, according to a release from the foundation.
“She was an inspiration to others,” said her mother, Stacy Bailey. “She was always trying to protect the people that were being bullied and do good for others. So we wanted to continue that legacy for her.”
Her loved ones said the community support has kept them going through the most difficult times and they hope the foundation will make a big difference in the community that helped them so much.
“It has lifted us up in the darkest of days, like last night that we had meltdowns,” said Brittney Bailey Russell, Tristyn’s older sister. “It’s not easy. It’s I mean, it’s been two and a half years and we’re still struggling. But because we have the support around us, we’re able to push through and find like I said, the silver lining the light out of this.”
Tickets and sign-up information can be found at www.TBStrong.org.
Monday, Nov. 6, 2023 – Tristyn Bailey Golf Tournament – St. Johns Golf and Country Club – Sponsored by Sterling Roofing
8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. – While the tournament is sold out, the public is welcome to come enjoy the live broadcast by 1010XL’s The Drill, as well as bid on the silent auction items. Join teams at 8:25 a.m. as 7th Circuit State Attorney R.J. Larizza hits the ceremonial tee shot to start the tournament.
1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Lunch Banquet featuring emcee Vic Micolucci, amazing food from executive chef Alexander B. Sapp. Tickets are available for purchase to the general public.
Monday, Nov. 6, 2023 – Tristyn Bailey Family Afternoon – St. Johns Golf and Country Club (2:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.)
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Come visit with members of the Jacksonville Roar (Jaguars Cheerleaders) and Jaxson de Ville.
2:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. – Family fun day with bounce houses, cornhole, live music from the Better Days band, 9 Hole Par 3 Family Friendly, amazing food from executive chef Alexander B. Sapp, and more. Tickets for the Par 3 ($100/foursome, limited supply left) and Cornhole Tournament are on sale.
6 p.m. – Silent Auction Ends
The Tristyn Bailey Memorial Fund was established to honor the vibrant life of Tristyn Bailey, who was tragically murdered at the young age of 13 years old in St. Johns, FL. Tristyn was an inspiration to those around her. She was a loving daughter, sister, and friend; a dedicated student and an avid cheerleader who constantly supported and encouraged those around her. Tristyn was focused on achieving her goals, whether it be academically or mastering her back tuck for cheerleading. Impressively, she was also dedicated to helping others achieve their goals by providing encouraging words and sharing her time to help them or by giving a big Tristyn hug when needed.
The Tristyn Bailey Foundation
The Four Pillars of Good Acts
I. Scholarship: Tristyn believed in education and believed in her classmates. The foundation will seek to support scholarships for higher education to deserving students who exhibit the qualities and attributes that Tristyn admired.
II. Victim Advocacy: Tristyn’s family, as well as the community, suffered through the criminal law aspects of her death, as well as the experience of high-profile media interest. The foundation will seek to offer assistance to victims and their families, as they walk through the unknown of criminal prosecution and media inquiries.
III. Self Defense and Self Confidence: Partnering with the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Department and local gyms, Tristyn’s legacy will also include providing other children with self-confidence through self-defense classes. Just as Tristyn fought for her life, the foundation wants to teach others how to do so as well.
IV. Education on the dangers of Social Media: An often thought of but never acted on concern, the foundation will assist in the education of parents and children on the dangers of social media. This education will include not just protecting one’s self from being a victim, but education on how not to victimize another.
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