Waycross community remembers fallen sergeant killed drone strike

Sgt. Kennedy Sanders was one of three U.S. soldiers killed in a drone strike last week. Sanders, a Waycross native, was honored in her home city Friday night.

WAYCROSS, Ga. — Green is the color the City of Waycross identifies with, it’s the color of its welcome sign and high school, but Friday night a different color was seen around the city.

“Those purple ribbons are representative of Kennedy,” Waycross Mayor Michael-Angelo James said. 

Purple was Sgt. Kennedy Sanders’ favorite color. Sanders and two other U.S. soldiers were killed in a drone strike in Jordan last week. She was from Waycross. 

“Kennedy played basketball for our county, and not only did she do that she was a debutante. So, she’s brains, brawn and fun all in one,” James, who taught Sanders’ parents, said. 

“We stand together as a family. So, I will say the whole city is the family of Kennedy’s.”

More than a hundred people gathered in Waycross to honor Sanders, including those who knew her and those who didn’t. 

“Her uncle was one of my lifelong best friends,” Kenneth Paulk said. 

He also knew Sanders’ grandma, but never met Sanders. 

“I feel like this young lady is a part of my family,” Paulk said. 

Others knew Sanders well. 

“While I still cry about it. I’m still proud of the woman that she became,” Carmen Jackson said. 

Jackson and Sanders’ mom are sorority sisters.

“She [Kennedy] was always full of life, always wanted to help did a lot of community service,” Jackson said. 

The city held a moment of silence for Sanders Friday night. It will also be naming June 30, Sanders’ birthday, as Kennedy Sanders Day in Waycross. Eads Street, where Sanders grew up, will be renamed Kennedy L. Sanders Street. 

“We’re big on community, serving our community. And that’s what Kennedy died for. She was serving our country. She’s always going to be a hero to me, and to the rest of the community as well. She can see what everybody that came out,” Jackson said. 

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden attended the dignified transfer of the soldiers killed.

Their remains were returned to Dover, Delaware and will soon be moved to their final resting places. A funeral date for Sanders has not been set. 

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